Expert Witness & Litigation

Horwath HTL provides hotel expert witness services to attorneys specialising in litigation, bankruptcy, real estate, franchising, employment and personal injury.
We have extensive experience in hotel operations, marketing, financing, valuations, investment, sales and development. Our professionals can provide counsel with expert opinions regarding loan defaults, revenue losses, bankruptcies, refinancing, workouts and industry standards of practice. Our consultants can develop detailed strategies and provide expert witness testimony to support your legal position or evaluate the opposition’s, to frame a proper counter-argument. We have provided evidence in jury trials, AAA- and JAMS-sponsored arbitration panels, Federal Bankruptcy Courts and mediations on behalf of plaintiffs and defendants.


  • Hotel Management & Franchise Issues
  • Hotel Premises Liability
  • Hotel Wrongful Termination
  • Hotel Liability
  • Hotel Finance
  • Hotel Standards of Operations
  • Hotel Safety & Security
  • Business Interruption Claims

Horwath HTL Projects